среда, 1 ноября 2017 г.

Yoga Wheel Workout - BARLATES BODY BLITZ Yoga Wheel Pilates Upper Body

Yoga Wheel Workout - BARLATES BODY BLITZ Yoga Wheel Pilates Upper Body

Welcome to the yoga wheel pilates series. This is not a traditional yoga wheel series. It uses the wheel to add extra challenge to Pilates style mat exercises. It is an innovative way to use the wheel that will show you how versatile it is even when not used for yoga poses.

A challenging upper body workout that uses the wheel to elevate as well as to create resistance for isometric contractions. You will perform a series of plank exercises, then move on to push up variations and standing arm exercises. You will never look at a yoga wheel in the same way again!

Subscribe to my channel for heaps of FREE workouts: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGmJ...

Check out many other Barlates Body Blitz workouts and purchase the downloads for DVDs at: http://www.workoutdvdworld.com.au/wel...

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Original article and pictures take s.ytimg.com site

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