среда, 27 сентября 2017 г.

Yoga Wheel Review #YogDevYoga

Yoga Wheel Review #YogDevYoga

I absolutely love doing yoga so I jumped at the chance to review this yoga wheel from YogDev. One of my favorite things about practicing yoga is that truly anyone can do it. The are so many possibilities when it comes to poses and props and you can adjust them to suit your particular needs. One thing that my instructor from my beginners yoga class always stressed was the importance of props. Props can help you to get into a particular pose, or used a different way, can help deepen a stretch. The are extremely useful!

Yoga Wheel Review #YogDevYoga | HappyPrettyBlog

The YogDev yoga wheel has been a great addition to my yoga practice. As someone who can often be found hunched over at a computer desk, I love the feeling of a good back bend and this yoga wheel has certainly helped me achieve that. At 12 inches in diameter and 5 inches wide, it can easily accommodate up to 300lbs. There is 6mm of padding for added comfort along your spine or whenever you are resting on it. The first thing I noticed when I pulled it out of the box was how sturdy it is. It is lightweight enough to easily be transported to whenever you want to practice, yet strong enough that I feel comfortable with it holding my whole weight.

Yoga Wheel Review #YogDevYoga | HappyPrettyBlog

One of my favorite things to do every evening lately has been to lay on my yoga wheel and let it massage my spine. It feels so good, especially after a long day! It helps you really open up your chest and get into your back bend without tensing up because you’re afraid to fall. You can feel comfortable and confident while challenging yourself. Not only that, but did I mention that it’s pretty? And if you’ve known me for any length of time, you’ll know that is important to me too! It comes in a number of different colour combinations, but this one is definitely my favorite!

In full disclosure, I did receive this yoga wheel for free in exchange for my review. All of these thoughts and opinions are my own and are my completely honest feelings and experiences with the product. If you’d like your own, you can get it here.

This post may contain affiliate links. See here for more information.

Original article and pictures take happyprettyblog.com site

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