среда, 27 июля 2016 г.

Tripod Headstand In 5 Easy Steps

Tripod Headstand In 5 Easy Steps

Inversion poses are cool with each inversion pose that you manage to strike, new world of possibilities opens to you, new ways of flowing & moving on your yoga mat.

By mastering tripod headstand you can start unlock new transition like, tripod to crow pose or the reverse version, crow to tripod. One more nice transition you will be able to try is tripod to side crow, tripod to Chaturanga, tripod to wheel pose & much more!

So, come-on! Let’s work on our tripod.

What About A Video?

Yep. Learn to master Tripod in 60 seconds

Do You Have A CheatSheet?

In the info-graphic below I break down the pose into 5 simple steps. If you feel insecure, start with a wall to support your back. Pin this into your Pinterest yoga board, so it will be easy for you to find it when ever you need enjoy.

Original article and pictures take www.yogibabe.life site

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