I received the Dharma Yoga Wheel for Christmas and have been having lots of fun with it since then. I wasn't really sure what to expect from it and I was surprised to discover that it feels very similar to foam rolling, but with a lot more control and stability and greater potential to improve flexibility. I have no doubt that if I keep using it regularly my backbends will become a lot deeper and much more comfortable. I'll be doing some before and after shots that I'll release in a few months to see if any progress was made.
There are a lot of different fancy ways to use the Dharma Wheel for arm balances and inversions, but I've been strictly using it for backbends at the moment. The first two days I used it was really hard and almost painful, I had so much tightness and stiffness in my muscles. Now I can hold the poses easier and can breathe deeper while I roll up and down the wheel.

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Original article and pictures take blog.yogawithkassandra.com site
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