среда, 21 ноября 2012 г.

Core Strengthening with a Yoga Wheel ft YogDev

Core Strengthening with a Yoga Wheel ft YogDev

Something I always talk about doing is focusing on my core. However, doing planks day in and day out can get a little mind numbing so when YogDev asked if I had wanted to give their yoga wheel a try, I thought it was the perfect way to spice on my daily core routine.

Core Strengthening with a Yoga Wheel ft YogDev

This post is sponsored by YogDev. Thanks for supporting the brands that keep this blog up and running!

At first while using the yoga wheel, I found it difficult trying to balance my feet on the small surface area. However, as I was struggling, I could feel my core pulling its weight by trying to steady me. Even when I finally found my balance, my core stayed engaged as it worked hard to prevent me from toppling over. The day after my first full session with the yoga wheel, my core hurt. It was so freaking sore, it hurt to cough, laugh, and just use in general – getting out of the car from a slightly declined position in the passenger side was a mission and a half!

After two weeks of playing around with the wheel, I was starting to get the hang of it. Each session, my core is still as engaged as it was on day one and now I see why it seems like the yoga wheel is all over yogi’s Instagrams! Anyways, here’s a snapshot of how I personally use the yoga wheel to help strengthen my core. (Note: I am in no way a trained instructor on how to use this product, I am simply sharing what I do with the product. Please consult your doctor or local instructor if you need help or if you are starting a new routine to see if it is right for you.)

Core Strengthening with a Yoga Wheel

First, I start off in the modified push up position with my knees bent on the floor and toes resting on the wheel. While contracting my core, I pull my body up into a planking position. After 3 breaths, I slowly bring my body back down to its starting position.

Core Strengthening with a Yoga Wheel

Building off the plank, I’ll bring myself into the plank position and slowly lifting one leg at a time. Left, down, right, down, left, down, right, down!

Core Strengthening with a Yoga Wheel

Core Strengthening with a Yoga Wheel

Similar to doing a jack knife on a stability ball, I build off my plank again and pull my feet up towards my body. It’s harder than doing it on a stability ball as there is a small surface area to work with.

So far, these plank variations with the yoga wheel is what I’ve been doing to strengthening my core. I’m pretty happy with the results I’ve had so far! Also, the yoga wheel is amazing for stretching out your back! While H watched me try it out for that, he decided he wanted in and now he uses the wheel to stretch out his back by laying on it (aka he can stretch while being lazy at the same time haha). For instruction as to how to use your yoga wheel, check out these videos by YogDev! The first video on a spinal release is what we’ve been doing and holy moly does our backs feel great afterwards.

QOTD: Do you have a yoga wheel? How do you use it? What are your favourite core workouts?

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Core Strengthening with a Yoga Wheel

This post is sponsored by YogDev. Thanks for supporting the brands that keep this blog up and running!

Original article and pictures take carmyy.com site

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